Michael D. Bauer

Michael D. Bauer

Senior Research Advisor

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Welcome to my website! I am a research economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco studying monetary policy, macroeconomics and financial markets. I am serving as Associate Editor at the Journal of Financial Econometrics. I am also a research fellow at CEPR, CESifo, and the IMFS. I am currently on leave from the University of Hamburg.

My research focuses on the role of financial markets for the macroeconomy, monetary policy, and climate change. I am particularly interested in understanding the effects of monetary policy on the yield curve and asset prices—including monetary policy surprises, forward guidance, monetary policy communication, quantitative easing, monetary policy uncertainty, and risks to the economic outlook. More recently I’ve been working on social discount rates, the social cost of carbon and climate finance.

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  • Monetary Economics
  • Macro-Finance
  • Climate Finance
  • Ph.D. in Economics, 2010

    University of California, San Diego

  • M.A. in Quant. Economics and Finance, 2005

    University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

  • B.A. in Economics, 2003

    University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
